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Basically EMS

Basically EMS is an EMS podcast for everyone. Our goal is to give current or future emergency medical personnel of all different certification levels basic information in a more relaxed atmosphere. Basically EMS is presented by EMT's and Paramedics who do the job everyday, as well as experienced EMS instructors. Happy learning!

Basically EMS

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Fan Mail

Hi BasicallyEMS team! My name is Jensen. I found your podcast a couple of months ago and just wanted to say thank you for making it -- it's really interesting to hear the thought process from a paramedic perspective behind topics and treatment decisions. I'm reaching out because I really resonated to Chris's story as he explained in the Paramedic School episode. Long story short, I grew up in Orange County, CA but went to school at Boise State and fell in love with Boise and Idaho as a whole. After graduating, I eventually found EMS and worked as an EMT for the same company as Chris did in Orange County for the past 14 months. I just started medic school in OC, and my goal once I finish is to come back to Idaho to work as a medic for Ada County. I was wondering if you all had any tips or special things to prepare for when it comes to applying for Ada County Paramedics, or just any general advice. I'm very passionate about Ada County and prehospital medicine and am hoping I will be ready by the next hiring cycle. Thank you all for all that you do. Looking forward to future episodes of the podcast!

San Juan C API Strano, California
